2010年5月19日 星期三

What Would You Do After Graduation

Recently, some of my classmates told about “what would you do after graduation .“ when we returned to the school, and a few classmates will keep to study; however, the other classmates would like to rest for a while. Likewise, I also considered it. I would like to improve my language, but how would I do? I had a few ideas, but I didn’t make a decision yet. First, staying at home and studying by myself, I thought, it’s not easy for me. Second, I went to the language center or school with a few classmates to study English, it could be the passable way. Third, I would like to study abroad for training my language. Studying abroad is one of my dreams, but it needs a lot of money; therefore, I have considered it. I need more time to think, and I will make a decision after graduation.

