2010年5月20日 星期四

Thanks for Our Monitor

We will graduate from the Lunghwa University after three weeks; therefore, I would like to thanks some of classmates who were our monitors Jerry Chang, Irene, Jerry Kuo and Beatrice. The monitor has to spend a lot of their time to assist us between teachers and school officer. They are as responsible as they were wise. Jerry Chang who was not only our first monitor but also my writing counselor, he was very confident and created a perfect monitor ideal. Irene who was an activism that doing anything was as well as quickly. Jerry Kuo who was third monitor, he helped us to have a nice graduated trip. Finally, Beatrice who was our final monitor, she was very kindly and conscionable, because she has sent us a notice which each teacher’s highlight every week for making us didn’t miss something. I would like to sincerely thank for your offering.

