2010年5月18日 星期二

The Final Semester

Time flying, a good winter vocation has been closed, then my classmates and I returned to school for studying of the final semester in the Lunghwa University. In fact, this semester is briefly, it’s remaining about 3 months. Unbelievable, everything seems like happening on yesterday, we have studied here for two years, and now we will graduate. However, some people must be thanked by me. First of all, I have to thank my wife, because if she didn’t encourage me to attend the Lunghwa Unversity’s matric, I cannot have this experience. Next, I sincerely thank all of my teachers who are teaching hard to us, if without them, my English and Japanese will not be improved quickly. Finally, I need to thanks my dear classmates, if without your work hard and buoyancy, I cannot keep until now. Thus, I will more treasure every class before I graduated.

