2010年5月20日 星期四

Presentation About Company’s Product

    Good evening, ladies and gentleman, thank you all for come here today.

    Let me introduce myself, my name is Ken Kuo.

    Today, I would like to introduce some of interesting features in our company’s product to you.

    I have divided my presentation into three parts.

First, I will be talking about “What’s product in our company?”

Next, I would like introduce “Some of interesting features” to you.

Finally, I will give you a conclusion.

    My talk should take about 5 minutes, please feel free interrupt me at any time with questions.

    Now I’m going to begin by what product is in our company. 

    Our company is designing software and hardware about digital surveillance system.

    What’s digital surveillance system? Let me simply explaining it to you.

    First of all, you have had a camera, and you need a piece of video capture card, of course you also need a PC and software, then you can do a monitoring.

    You can see this picture, our company not only had many product lines, but also got a lot of awards.

Next, I would like to introduce three of interesting features to you.

First one is object counting.

Second one is unattended object detection.

Final one is missing object detection.

    Object counting feature is counting the number of object between in-way and out-way.

    For example, you can see a person who stays here, and when he walks from region 2 to region 1, then our system will automatic count 1 into out-way.

Unattended object detection is detecting a suspect object.

    For example, you can see here is a clean place, and a person who puts a box on the floor, at in a while, the object will be detected by our system.

Missing object feature is detecting an object if it’s lost.

    For example, you can see there is a projector on the table, and a person who removed it, at in a while, the system will notice you the object was missing.

    Well, this brings me to the end of my presentation. I would like to finish this presentation with a conclusion. What’s advantage by using the digital surveillance system? The monitoring will be smart, easy and in time.

Thank you for your attention.

