2010年5月21日 星期五

Presentation About Forecasting Weather

Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman. My name is Ken. As Roy said the weather may bring disasters to people, but people how to prevent it? Well, that is my topic “Technology”.


I have divided my presentation into three parts.

First, I will be taking about “What technologies were used?”

Next, I would like to introduce “How to get information?”

Finally, I will give you a conclusion.

My talk should take about 5 minutes, please feel free interrupt me at any time with questions.


Now, I’m going to begin by “What technologies were used?”

In the early years, people tried to observe the cloud patterns and color for predicating the weather.

For example, there is a weather lore said; “it might be observed that if the sunset was particularly red, the following day often brought fair weather.”


From the 17th century, scientists had begun to use anemoscope, barometer, weather balloon, hypgrothermograph etc… for measuring the weather.


On the 20th century, satellites have been used to observe the cloud’s variety because of their almost global coverage and their visible light images are very useful for forecasters to see development of clouds.


Now, we have known what technologies were bused for forecasting the weather, but people how to get the information?

Let me give you some ways to get the weather prediction.

You can read the newspaper or magazine, listening to the radio, watching the TV, surfing the internet, or using the mobile phone.


Well, this part brings me to the end of our presentation. In our conclusion, nowadays, people are happiness, the high-technology can give human the real time information, and people can prepare something to avoid disaster before the terrible weather coming. So, “The high-technology can make people to avoid the disaster.”


Thanks for your attention.

