2010年5月21日 星期五

Presentation About Forecasting Weather

Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman. My name is Ken. As Roy said the weather may bring disasters to people, but people how to prevent it? Well, that is my topic “Technology”.


I have divided my presentation into three parts.

First, I will be taking about “What technologies were used?”

Next, I would like to introduce “How to get information?”

Finally, I will give you a conclusion.

My talk should take about 5 minutes, please feel free interrupt me at any time with questions.


Now, I’m going to begin by “What technologies were used?”

In the early years, people tried to observe the cloud patterns and color for predicating the weather.

For example, there is a weather lore said; “it might be observed that if the sunset was particularly red, the following day often brought fair weather.”


From the 17th century, scientists had begun to use anemoscope, barometer, weather balloon, hypgrothermograph etc… for measuring the weather.


On the 20th century, satellites have been used to observe the cloud’s variety because of their almost global coverage and their visible light images are very useful for forecasters to see development of clouds.


Now, we have known what technologies were bused for forecasting the weather, but people how to get the information?

Let me give you some ways to get the weather prediction.

You can read the newspaper or magazine, listening to the radio, watching the TV, surfing the internet, or using the mobile phone.


Well, this part brings me to the end of our presentation. In our conclusion, nowadays, people are happiness, the high-technology can give human the real time information, and people can prepare something to avoid disaster before the terrible weather coming. So, “The high-technology can make people to avoid the disaster.”


Thanks for your attention.

2010年5月20日 星期四


Three weeks ago, I did a presentation which was our speech curse’s midterm. The topic is about your anything on this presentation. Some of classmates who introduced self, trip experience, their job etc…, and I chose to present our company’s product. Because of I never presented our company’s product in English and I thought that would be a good experience for me, so I decided to do it. After presented, I felt my presentation that was not bad than before, as someone who said “Practice makes Perfect.”. However, I have something to be improved, such as stress, intonation, pronunciation and Q&A. Before final, we remain two presentations, one topic is about technology and the other one is about describe how to make something; therefore, I will treasure there opportunities and do the best.

Presentation About Company’s Product

    Good evening, ladies and gentleman, thank you all for come here today.

    Let me introduce myself, my name is Ken Kuo.

    Today, I would like to introduce some of interesting features in our company’s product to you.

    I have divided my presentation into three parts.

First, I will be talking about “What’s product in our company?”

Next, I would like introduce “Some of interesting features” to you.

Finally, I will give you a conclusion.

    My talk should take about 5 minutes, please feel free interrupt me at any time with questions.

    Now I’m going to begin by what product is in our company. 

    Our company is designing software and hardware about digital surveillance system.

    What’s digital surveillance system? Let me simply explaining it to you.

    First of all, you have had a camera, and you need a piece of video capture card, of course you also need a PC and software, then you can do a monitoring.

    You can see this picture, our company not only had many product lines, but also got a lot of awards.

Next, I would like to introduce three of interesting features to you.

First one is object counting.

Second one is unattended object detection.

Final one is missing object detection.

    Object counting feature is counting the number of object between in-way and out-way.

    For example, you can see a person who stays here, and when he walks from region 2 to region 1, then our system will automatic count 1 into out-way.

Unattended object detection is detecting a suspect object.

    For example, you can see here is a clean place, and a person who puts a box on the floor, at in a while, the object will be detected by our system.

Missing object feature is detecting an object if it’s lost.

    For example, you can see there is a projector on the table, and a person who removed it, at in a while, the system will notice you the object was missing.

    Well, this brings me to the end of my presentation. I would like to finish this presentation with a conclusion. What’s advantage by using the digital surveillance system? The monitoring will be smart, easy and in time.

Thank you for your attention.

Thanks for Our Monitor

We will graduate from the Lunghwa University after three weeks; therefore, I would like to thanks some of classmates who were our monitors Jerry Chang, Irene, Jerry Kuo and Beatrice. The monitor has to spend a lot of their time to assist us between teachers and school officer. They are as responsible as they were wise. Jerry Chang who was not only our first monitor but also my writing counselor, he was very confident and created a perfect monitor ideal. Irene who was an activism that doing anything was as well as quickly. Jerry Kuo who was third monitor, he helped us to have a nice graduated trip. Finally, Beatrice who was our final monitor, she was very kindly and conscionable, because she has sent us a notice which each teacher’s highlight every week for making us didn’t miss something. I would like to sincerely thank for your offering.

The Midterm

After winter vocation, I felt myself that didn’t study hard than before. I don’t know why; however, the truth was proved by the midterm. Unfortunately, my two courses weren’t passing, one was the English News, and the other one was the advance translation. Sometimes, I was able to recall my teacher Mr. Kuo who said “What do you want?” to us when we came to the Lunghwa University. I thought that certainly improved my English, but did I do it well? Actually, I know my English has been improved, but it was not ideal for me. However, as someone who said ”Never too late to learn.”; therefore, I have to perk and to pay more attention to study. Finally, I hope I could get a good score in the final.

The Mother’s Day

On the Mother’s day, many people may do something for thanking their mother. For example, some people may give the carnation flower to mam, buy the gift to man, or go to the restaurant with man for dinner. However, three weeks ago, my family pre celebrated the Mother’s day to our dear mother. Usually, we would buy a dainty cake and go to a nice restaurant to celebrate our mother on this day. Actually, my mother is a vegetarian, so I mean, we also were vegetarians but only on the Mother’s day. This Mother’s day was tight for me, because I had to study and I left school at about 4:30 p.m. then drove my car from Taoyuan to Keelung. We got the restaurant at about 7:00 p.m. we ate a delicious dinner and chatted something recently. In fact, I hadn’t chatted with my family for a long time, this night, I felt so good. After dinner, we went to my Keelung’s home, ate the cake and took a picture for keeping this halcyon memory. Finally, I hope my dear mother could be healthy and happy forever and thank you for your bring up hardly.

2010年5月19日 星期三

What Would You Do After Graduation

Recently, some of my classmates told about “what would you do after graduation .“ when we returned to the school, and a few classmates will keep to study; however, the other classmates would like to rest for a while. Likewise, I also considered it. I would like to improve my language, but how would I do? I had a few ideas, but I didn’t make a decision yet. First, staying at home and studying by myself, I thought, it’s not easy for me. Second, I went to the language center or school with a few classmates to study English, it could be the passable way. Third, I would like to study abroad for training my language. Studying abroad is one of my dreams, but it needs a lot of money; therefore, I have considered it. I need more time to think, and I will make a decision after graduation.

Join a TOEIC Test

I have studied English for 2 years in the Lunghwa University. Last month, my classmate Roy and I decided to join a TOEIC test for surveying our English ability. The TOEIC test have two types, one is for listening and reading, the other one is for writing and speaking. We attended a test of the listening and reading, but we didn’t get a good score. However, we had encouraged each other and decided to join the next TOEIC test on June. I think that’s a good timing for us, because we will finish a final exam, and we can have a few times to prepare for this exam. Finally, I sincerely hope Roy and I could get a nice score on this TOEIC test, and give my motto “Where there is a will, there is a way” to us for buoying each other.

2010年5月18日 星期二

The Final Semester

Time flying, a good winter vocation has been closed, then my classmates and I returned to school for studying of the final semester in the Lunghwa University. In fact, this semester is briefly, it’s remaining about 3 months. Unbelievable, everything seems like happening on yesterday, we have studied here for two years, and now we will graduate. However, some people must be thanked by me. First of all, I have to thank my wife, because if she didn’t encourage me to attend the Lunghwa Unversity’s matric, I cannot have this experience. Next, I sincerely thank all of my teachers who are teaching hard to us, if without them, my English and Japanese will not be improved quickly. Finally, I need to thanks my dear classmates, if without your work hard and buoyancy, I cannot keep until now. Thus, I will more treasure every class before I graduated.

2010年5月11日 星期二

A graduate trip

My classmates and I went to Okinawa for our graduate trip in last winter vocation. This tour was very interested and made me impressed, because of it’s my first time visited abroad with my classmates. We got up early on Friday morning and went to Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport then took CI flight to Okinawa. Actually, the flight time is very short just about 1 hour from Taiwan to Okinawa. 

    When we arrived there at afternoon and immediately started our trip. We went to the biggest aquarium in the world, closely watched many fish. We also visited the Ryukyu Mura, it is a village that representing early Ryukyu’s culture and building, we also watched a traditional performance in there, I felt it a very nice show. Certainly, we didn’t miss the Japanese delicious food and beer, everyone enjoyed it so much. 

    However, my classmate Phoebe was the most impressed me a person, because she shared feeling that found her true love “Rocker” with everyone in Okinawa. This trip brought a lot wonderful memory to me. I liked it so much.

    Finally, I must to thanks Howard who is one of our respectable teachers for arranging this perfect tour. We couldn’t have a memorable if without him, so I hope we could have second trip with him after graduation.