2009年5月17日 星期日

[Home work] To explain the pie chart

This was my homework of English meeting, and we had to try to explain the pie chart.
First, I will show my idea, then my teacher’s idea.

In my opinion,
This pie chart shows the number of confirmed of Swine Flu cases that 80% of Swine Flu cases in America, The second biggest area is Europe with a total of 10%. Next, Asia has 5% of cases. Finally 5% of cases are in the other area.

In teacher’s opinion,
Let’s have a look at pies showing the confirmed cases of Swine Flu infection in major continents. According to the left one, it shows that 80% of the found in America, while 10% of them is in Europe nations, Asia, as well as the others, accounts for only 5% of the whole numbers.

