2009年5月9日 星期六

About a fraud

This was my report about a fraud on last year, and I want to record into my blog.

Q1.How does the fraud work? What does the con artist do?
I found a case history about healthy fraud from internet.
A con artist pretended an officer of public health bureau and he told an elder, you bought a machine of diathermy in 2004.
Now the city government had a policy for elder, if you were above 70 years old and ever had bought a machine of diathermy, the government will return your money.
Of course, con artist will tell you, you need provide him your bankbook, signet, and a password of withdraw money, after con artist and your money are disappeared.

Who are usually the victims of this type of fraud? How much money do they lose?
In this case, an elder are victim, and he had lost 50000 NT dollars.

How can you protect yourself?
In Taiwan, you can use cell phone call 165 to check if it is a fraud?
Phone number 165 is a telephone of anti-fraud.
And I think people do not cupidity then you will not be a victim.

