2009年5月9日 星期六

The first report in English in Loung Hwa University

This was my first report in English about learning English in Loung Hwa University on last year, and I want to record into my blog.

Good evening everybody, my name is Ken.

Today I want to tell you about my idea of learning English in Loung Hwa University.

Basically, My English is poor so I always felt nervous, depressed and stressed-out when teachers instructed us in English.

Because they spoke English very fast and we had to answer many questions and they gave us a lot of homework or test.

In fact, I almost didn’t understand their questions and couldn’t make an answer.

So, when teachers called someone to make an answer, I always felt nervous.

Every week, I always think “Should I abandon it or not?”

In last week, my teacher told us “what do you want”.

I thought it and told myself “why I came here?”

I just want to improve my English, so that is my want.

Now when I depressed, I will tell myself “just do it” to keep going.

