2009年5月30日 星期六

Reach a goal

Where there is a will, there is a way. No.40 article was finished at morning May 31. Now, I felt very happy and tired. Just like a runner has ran to destination on a marathon game. That is a game of long time. Before you completed it, you have to need an endurance and willpower. Before today, I am afraid I can not finish it on time, but when I made a decision and do it right now, and it has been completed. So, I think a proverb is very important for everyone and I want to share it to everyone in here. That is “Where there is a will, there is a way”

[Homework] A Person Who Has Made a Difference: Mr. Wang Yung-Ching

This was my homework about “A Person Who Has Made a Difference: Mr. Wang Yung-Ching”, and I want to record into my blog.

Mr. Wang Yung-ching was an influential entrepreneur who founded a large business empire in Taiwan. He helped our country in three ways. First he created Nan Ya Plastics Corporation, Formosa Chemistry & Fibre Corporation, and Cyma Plywood & Lumber Co. Ltd. It was to provide people a lot of jobs. Second he built seven hospitals in Keelung, Taipei, Linkou, Taoyuan, Chiayi, Kaohsiung and Fongshan. It was to cultivate many ace doctors and helped people to cure their disease. All of hospitals are named the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. Third he built two schools. One is Ming-chi Institute of Technology and the other one is Chang Gung University. It was to created many talents of different area to make Taiwan more competitive. Mr. Wang Yung-ching just a simple, uneducated businessman, but he helped his country a lot.

Will you have children when you get older?

Sure, I want to won a mine family, so, I want to have children. Basically, a family should have a father, a mother, and children, but nowadays, many people do not want to have children, who felt many troubles children. So, they would rather to live easy. In my opinion, I think children may bring us a lot of perturbation and need to spend much time to care for them, but sometimes, they also bring us happy.

Is it ever impolite to talk on a cellular phone? When?

Sometimes it is definitely impolite. I think a lot of people are very inconsiderate when they talk on their cellular phones, For example, On MRT or bus, maybe someone have take a rest, then you will affect them. In the movie theater, you will affect many people to watch movie. In a meeting, if someone is reporting, when you cell phone is ring, then you will interrupt the meeting. I think that is common sense, but that often has been happened in our life.

When was the last time you ate Japanese food?

The last time I ate Japanese food was six months ago. That’s my deportment dinner. We want to the SHINYEH restaurant in Shin Kong Mitsukoshi department store. It is a buffet and there are a lot of Japanese food, Sushi, Sashimi, beef, drink, fruit, and dessert. Everyone can free eat and drink. I think it is a good restaurant. So, if you like Japanese food too, I suggested you can go there to eat.

Have you ever felt really embarrassed?

Of course, everybody has felt embarrassed. I remember on time when I was a child and went to school. We had to go to library for read books. We need to take out shoes before entry inside of library. When I took my shoes out, then I and my classmate saw my hose had broken a hole, they laughed at me. So, I had felt embarrassed at that time. Now, I will check the hose, which has broken, before I wear.

Would you like to be famous? Why or why not?

No, I really do not see that being famous would be so nice. In fact, the famous people have not more freedom and private life than the common people. In other way, they may worry to face crazy fans or kidnapping. Certainly, the famous people will be rich, everybody love you, and people will follow your example, but compare with both of them, I think the famous people would be not easy, so I would not like to be famous.

Do you prefer Chinese food or Western food?

I prefer Chinese food. In Taiwan, we can eat many kinds of cuisine. There are Taiwanese cuisine, Hakka cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, and Sichuan cuisine. They have different characters and variety. For example, Taiwanese cuisine is moderate, Hakka cuisine is sour, Cantonese cuisine is tonic, and Sichuan cuisine is hot. I had been America, and UK, and ate there cuisines. There have hamburger, sandwiches, pizza, pasta, and steak. I felt that is simple than Chinese food. Especially, in Taiwan, there have many snacks, as stinky tofu, Taiwanese meatballs, oyster omelet, tempura, and etc…. So, if you asked me which one do you prefer Chinese food or Western food? Certainly, I have to choose the Chinese cuisine.

Some people say they never have enough time. What do you think?

I do not think so before I went to Lunghwa University, because I have enough time to use. But, now, I believe some people who say never have enough time. I often have had overtime in my job for weekday, and right now I have to go to school for learning English on weekend. In fact, I really not have much time to do others. Sometimes, I need to decrease my sleep time to do my homework or prepare for some testing. So, I have believed some people who say never have enough time to use.

New milestone

This article has come to No.31 and finished this homework till I had to write 9 piece of writing, but I really do not have much time to reach it. My teacher' gave us a deadline May 31. Today has been May 31, that means I only have 24 hours to finish it. Oh, my god, I think it’s a difficult mission and great challenge, but I believe “Where there is a will, there is a way”. So, I must speed up to write right now for final 9 articles.

What is something you want to learn how to do?

What do I want to learn how to do? Now, I want to learn how to play the golf, because some of my friends and colleagues have played the golf recently. Sometimes they discussed the golf and asked me to play it. So, I had learned about golf club before I bought it. Basically, there are six types of golf club Driver, Fairway Wood, Hybrid, Iron Set, Wedge, and Putter. Each type is used to different place. My friend and colleague told me a beginner just bought Iron Set No.7 and a tee to practice. I had bought it and practice it. I hope I can have a good skill of golf.

What would you do if you won the lottery?

Every one wants to win the lottery, but if I won the lottery what I want to do? First, I will share some money to my family and charities. Then, I will save some money to bank for a rain day. Next, I will round the world to see many different and beautiful views and taste delicious food in each country. Finally, I am going to buy a farm, and to live a simple life. However, all of things are a dream. Only if lady luck comes with me.

Soccer is most popular sport in the world. Why isn’t it more popular in Taiwan?

Why is not soccer more popular in Taiwan? In my opinion, it has two reasons. One, we do not have enough hardware and software. For example, we just have few formal soccer park and we lack excellent coach and player. In Europe, they have many soccer park and they have a lot of excellent coach and player, as Furguson and Bechkham, etc…. Two, our government is not really promote this sport and they do not stage any formal game, but, in other countries, they will stage some games for soccer. So, that is why the soccer not popular in Taiwan.

What should you do when you have a clod?

What should I do when I had a clod? First, I will drink a lot of warm water. Then, I will eat some Vitamin B & C to increase my immunity. If my cold was bad then I will o to a doctor and get a lot of rest. Doctor usually will give me an injection and some pills. Basically, I take bills for 3 or 5 days then my clod will away. By the way, If I want to go to outside, I will wear a mask, because I do not want to spread influenza to others. I think that is politesse and importance.

How could you improve your English?

Basically, my English is not well, so I always looking for a way be able to improve my English. I have got a lot of ways to enhance it since I went to LUNGHWA University. My teachers taught us many things. For example, to writing some thing in English on blog to increase our written ability, to do a “tell and show” to enhance our specking and listening, or reading many different articles. Of course, I think keeping study is important than any good way. So, if you really want to improve your English, you would be studying it everyday, even it has few hours or minutes.

The Dragon Boat Festival in 2009

Yesterday was the Dragon Boat Festival, according to traditional custom, people have to worship ancestor, row the Dragon Boat, and eat rice dumping. This festival is for memorial Qu Yuan. To follow this custom, I and my wife got up early at morning to prepare for worshiped my ancestor, after, we went to Keelung had lunch and dinner with my family. I did not have a meal with my family, since Chinese New Year this year. I felt glad, because I did not have much time see them. I have to work on weekday, and go to school to study on every weekend. Once I get together with my family, I will treasure it. I got home at 22 o’clock, but I have not finished my writing homework yet, so today, I have to finish 16 piece of writing.

2009年5月17日 星期日

Which season of the year do you like the best?

I think I like fall the best-because of the weather. The temperature is brisk and comfortable in fall. The nature view has been changed, as maples turned red. In Taiwan, you can to go to Aowanda to see that a beautiful view. In this season, the hot sprint is a good choice. Taiwan has a lot of different hot sprint. In Taipei you can go to Beitou and Jin Mountain to soak in hot sprint. I think you will very enjoy it.

[Home work] Comparison paragraphs: Studying abroad / Studying in our own country

Here was my homework of writing. Studying aboard and studying in our own country are really different ways.One different is cost. Studying aboard has to spend a lot of money than studying in our country. You must pay a precious school fee, rent and keep, but studying onshore, anything is cheep. A second area of different is life style. When you decide to go to oversea for study, you will start to take care yourself and adapt new a culture and custom, in contrast, stay here, you do not change anything. Finally, the major different is teaching way. In foreign school, it is more open and free than here. The teacher who leads students to know and discuss any questions, instead, in our country school, the teacher who teaching purpose was just for students can enter a higher school. All in all, thought there are differences between studying aboard and onshore, if you really want to study well, you have to choose studying abroad, and you have to start to save money.

[Home work] To explain the line graph

This was my homework of English meeting, and we had to try to explain the line graph. First, I will show my idea, then my teacher’s idea.

In my opinion,
I would like you to look at this graph, which shows the death toll of Swine Flu in Mexico over the past 7 days. As you can see here, death toll fluctuated between 2 and 91 from 4/25 to 5/1, death toll has rose sharply on 4/17, 4/29 and 4/30, but it also become slowly and reached to 91 on 5/1.

In my teacher’s opinion,
Let’s take a look at the ling graph. The death toll of Swine Flu in Mexico was on 25th April. It rose slightly to 7 on next day on the following 3 days, the death toll increase dramatically from 7 to 80……

[Home work] To explain the pie chart

This was my homework of English meeting, and we had to try to explain the pie chart.
First, I will show my idea, then my teacher’s idea.

In my opinion,
This pie chart shows the number of confirmed of Swine Flu cases that 80% of Swine Flu cases in America, The second biggest area is Europe with a total of 10%. Next, Asia has 5% of cases. Finally 5% of cases are in the other area.

In teacher’s opinion,
Let’s have a look at pies showing the confirmed cases of Swine Flu infection in major continents. According to the left one, it shows that 80% of the found in America, while 10% of them is in Europe nations, Asia, as well as the others, accounts for only 5% of the whole numbers.

2009年5月9日 星期六

Tell and Show about PDA

This was my report about PDA on this term, and I want to record into my blog.

Good morning everyone, I am Ken.

Today I would like to introduce the “PDA” to you.

What is PDA?
PDA is meaning “Personal Digital Assistant”.

You can see, it is very light, thin and multi-function.

It’s only 141 gram, 1.33 centimeter and many practical functions.

And it has audio recorder, MP3 player, MP4 player, photo frame, calculator, Word, Excel, GPS, dictionary and a lot of other functions, just all in one.

Now, let me show some features to you.

Use it is very easily, you just do touch and touch.

First, if you want to listen to music, you just do touch.

Then, if you want to watch movie or photo, you also do touch.

Finally, when you lost, you can use GPS, and it will bring you to right road.

My PDA has not included GPS module, so, I only show a simulate drive to you.

For example, when you want to go to The National Palace Museum but you did not know how to driver to there.

You just write National Palace Museum in your PDA and it will plan a route, then you will know how to go. 

Of course, nowadays, PDA has became more convenient, more function, and more interesting.

It has included phone module, wireless module, and PGS module.

So, if you have one, then you can anytime and anywhere to talk, using all internet service, and never worry you will not lose your way.

Talking about how to make Taiwan better

This was my report about how to make Taiwan better on last year, and I want to record into my blog.

Jerry: Ken, do you think how has Taiwan changed recently?

Ken: Taiwan has changed in many ways. I think it’s become more modern.
 In Taipei and Kaoshiung, we have the MRT and high speed rail. That makes traffic a lot better. And in Taipei there are several big shopping centers. You can shop with no problem.

Jerry: I think so, but do you think what can people do to make Taiwan better?

Ken: There’s a lot that people can do. We don’t throw things on the sidewalk. We have to start putting our trash in the trashcan. When we drive a car can be keep the rule of the road.

The culture of night market in Taiwan

This was my report about the culture of night market in Taiwan on last year, and I want to record into my blog.

Today I will talk about night market in Taiwan.

Taiwanese night market is how to come?
From internet information, the first nigh market is from Tataocheng (大稻埕),Taipei.
It beginning from a few vendors and only provided some traditional snacks to people eat, like plain noodles, braised pork rice, oyster omelet, stinky tofu, etc…

Nowadays, in Taiwan, night market has 3 kinds of type and become more colorful.

1. Shopping mall of the night market: 
Shopping mall of the night market is often in metropolitan area.
Business extends open time till midnight, and it also attracts some vendors on here to become a shopping mall of the night market.
The famous night market has Shida Night Market and Jing Mei Night Market in Taipei.

2. Tourism of the night market:
Shopping mall of the night markets is designed and planned by government, and in line with local characteristics to attract tourists, it was called tourism of the night market.
The famous night market has Huaxi Street Tourist Night Market and Rao He Street Night Market in Taipei.

3. Flow of the night market:
Flow of the night market is often in suburban open space.
They open in a specified date, as every Wednesday or Friday evening.

We have keeping our traditional food and ameliorate it, even adoption foreign foods and assimilation it.

Finally, I will suggest you, when you travel to Taiwan.
You can go to the local night market and taste local snacks or have an accidental discovery.

A typical day of my job

This was my report about a typical day of my job, and I want to record into my blog

I arrive at the office at about ten then check my emails. They come in overnight because we have offices all over the world. Then I will distribute that to my team members, sometimes I will send emails directly to answer their questions.

In the afternoon I go into my regular meeting whit my team member. He report a result of testing last night to me, and we discuss any problems or issues then provide some ideas to find out what reason is. If we get a reason, we will pass to R&D department and they will debug it then retune us new program to check it be right or not.

I work at my desk most of the day. I speak and email to our sales department and customer service team for their questions about products.

Then I will trace my team member state. When they had problems on testing, I will discuss with them and help them to solve their problems or issues and redefine new schedule of testing.

I get off duty at about nice and that’s my typical day!

The first report in English in Loung Hwa University

This was my first report in English about learning English in Loung Hwa University on last year, and I want to record into my blog.

Good evening everybody, my name is Ken.

Today I want to tell you about my idea of learning English in Loung Hwa University.

Basically, My English is poor so I always felt nervous, depressed and stressed-out when teachers instructed us in English.

Because they spoke English very fast and we had to answer many questions and they gave us a lot of homework or test.

In fact, I almost didn’t understand their questions and couldn’t make an answer.

So, when teachers called someone to make an answer, I always felt nervous.

Every week, I always think “Should I abandon it or not?”

In last week, my teacher told us “what do you want”.

I thought it and told myself “why I came here?”

I just want to improve my English, so that is my want.

Now when I depressed, I will tell myself “just do it” to keep going.

About movie: An Inconvenient Truth

This was my report about movie: An Inconvenient Truth on last year, and I want to record into my blog.

Now I will share my idea about a movie An Inconvenient Truth to you.

I think that is a very beneficial film, and when I had looked a movie, I thought we need do something for our earth.

Because, we only have one earth, so no earth no man.

One person does not have too much power, but more people certainly have more power and it can change something for help earth.

For example, we can often take public transport, ride bicycle, or drive electric vehicle for decrease emission of carbon dioxide and slow down global warming.

Then, we must stop felling plants on tropical rainforest and grow more plants.

Finally, we really need scientists can quickly develop more pure and safe energy to people use.

About a fraud

This was my report about a fraud on last year, and I want to record into my blog.

Q1.How does the fraud work? What does the con artist do?
I found a case history about healthy fraud from internet.
A con artist pretended an officer of public health bureau and he told an elder, you bought a machine of diathermy in 2004.
Now the city government had a policy for elder, if you were above 70 years old and ever had bought a machine of diathermy, the government will return your money.
Of course, con artist will tell you, you need provide him your bankbook, signet, and a password of withdraw money, after con artist and your money are disappeared.

Who are usually the victims of this type of fraud? How much money do they lose?
In this case, an elder are victim, and he had lost 50000 NT dollars.

How can you protect yourself?
In Taiwan, you can use cell phone call 165 to check if it is a fraud?
Phone number 165 is a telephone of anti-fraud.
And I think people do not cupidity then you will not be a victim.

About ad

This was my report about ad on last year, and I want to record into my blog.

Today I will show you a funny ad about a super duster.
This ad is from internet (http://funp.com/t106466#p=106466).

Q1.What emotional appeal(s) is the advertiser using?
The advertiser use emotional appeals are funny and very fustian.
You can see the picture 1, it is a very powerful duster, so a high-altitude hot-air balloon was pulled into inside.
It looks like real, so when you drive through there and see that, maybe you will be sharked then feel funny.
The picture 2 is more grandiose than picture 1, you can see even a satellite from space, it was also pulled into inside.

Q2.Why is advertiser using this appeal to sell this product?
I think the product is duster, so its major ability is attraction, then advertiser base on it, and create an idea to highlight a very powerful attraction for this product.

Q3.Who is the target market?
Of course, the target market is every family, each family have to clean their house, so if you need a good tool for clean, I think it will be a nice choice.

Q4.Do you think this ad is effective? Why or why not?
I think this ad is so effective, because it enforce an ability of product, but in my opinion, if it can explain the noise is low, like “high attraction, low noise”, it will be perfect.


This was my report about politeness on last year, and I want to record into my blog.

Hello everybody today I will share my idea about politeness with you.

In the world each country has its politeness.

For example, first, in Taiwan when we eat noodles and we can’t make a noise that is a politeness, I thank it mean it doesn’t bother other people.

But in Japan when you eat noodles and you have to make a loud noise that is a politeness, it means yummy noodles by a chef.

Then, in America when you pay a bill in the restaurant and you have to pay a gratuity, but in Taiwan you don’t do it.

I think different culture has different politeness, so before we want to go any country, we have to study local politeness, then you will be a welcomed visitor.

2009年5月8日 星期五

What is Par-kour

I heard a word “par-kour” on TV tonight, and I did not know what mean is? I went to know it, so, I used Google and checked dictionary to get some information. From dictionary, “Par-kour” is the sport of running through city streets and jumping between buildings. Then from Google, “Par-kour” came from France in 1980, and it means “to transcend barrier of training ground”. Now, Par-kour has become more popular in China and Taiwan. I think it is new and good sport, maybe one day you will see someone to do it on streets.

2009年5月4日 星期一

New milestone!

This article is up to 10th on my blog. It is a new milestone for me. So, I would like write about how to observe a great mother’s day. On last Sunday, we had pre-led it, because few people will busy in my family this Sunday. About a long time, I did not have meal with all of my family since Chinese New Year. We bought a cake and went to a Taiwanese restaurant on Keelung. Many people came to there and we ate a lot of delicious food. So, I thought that is nice restaurant. After we went to home, then ate a cake. Everyone was happy in this day.

[Home work] Writing

Here was my writing home work last week. I had to use humor to write about this topic, I felt it’s very special and funny.

           How to lose 10 pounds in two days

Every woman wants a delicate body, but how to do it quickly? There is a hellish reducing that proved to cut 10 pounds in two days. First, you must go to the hospital and pump 10 pounds of fat from your fat body. Then, you have to start to change your diet. You must say goodbye with chicken, beef, pork, fish, any meat, and never touch a high-calorie food. Water, fruit, and vegetable become your only choice. Finally, if you can keep and properly do it every day, then you can dream come to true.