2009年10月28日 星期三

Car and old colleague

Few days ago, I drove to work as usual. When I drove my car up to B1 floor, I heard a strange sound. I knew that car had met a trouble, then, I got off and checked my car. Oh! My God! The right rear door had damaged. I was very depressed to work all day. Last Sunday, I passed my car to garages and borrowed car with Paul, who is my old and friendly colleague. He had left company for two years. Sometimes, I have contacted him to chat. Now, he has a new job and works happily. I have envied him a little bit. In fact, I am working unhappily. There are so many reasons that making me so tired. I always thinking that “Is this job fit me?” However, I didn’t make a decision yet, because making a decision needs a lot of courage and intelligence. I will keep thinking and making a right decision. Finally, I have to thank Paul for borrowed his car to me, I can keep working.

