2009年10月28日 星期三

Car and old colleague

Few days ago, I drove to work as usual. When I drove my car up to B1 floor, I heard a strange sound. I knew that car had met a trouble, then, I got off and checked my car. Oh! My God! The right rear door had damaged. I was very depressed to work all day. Last Sunday, I passed my car to garages and borrowed car with Paul, who is my old and friendly colleague. He had left company for two years. Sometimes, I have contacted him to chat. Now, he has a new job and works happily. I have envied him a little bit. In fact, I am working unhappily. There are so many reasons that making me so tired. I always thinking that “Is this job fit me?” However, I didn’t make a decision yet, because making a decision needs a lot of courage and intelligence. I will keep thinking and making a right decision. Finally, I have to thank Paul for borrowed his car to me, I can keep working.

To suggest a good restaurant – 原燒

The 原燒  restaurant is a delicate, clean, and polite barbecue. My wife and I are very like to go to there for dining. It is chain in north, middle, and south of Taiwan. If you want to try it, you can go to the website (http://www.yuanshao.com.tw/something.htm), then choosing the nearest one and reserving a table. Actually, we have went to the原燒 for several times, to celebrate our birthday and wedding, or on special days. I want to suggest it, the reasons have three. First, certainly it’s cuisine. They provide customer one package, salad, soup, meat, rice, drink, and dessert. I am very like the beef, because it’s soft, sweet, and moreish. Next, the decoration is simple, light is sooth, and place is clean. You may not believe that few smoking on there. Finally, waiter and waitress are friendly. They are always smiley and melting to service the customer. In brief, I like the 原燒 restaurant, and hope it will be your favor too.

What kind of exercise do you enjoy doing?

Last week, I discussed about “what kind of exercise do you enjoy doing” with my classmate in the class. We were very interested in this topic, because we had to explain. Some classmates’ enjoy exercise were jogging, tennis, basketball, swimming, and on water activities etc…. My classmate Gaber, who is humorous, and his idea let me impress. He is very like on water activities, and he said, “The reason was eye candy.” It’s really funny and makes me laugh. On the other hand, my favorite exercise is jogging. The reason has 3 points. First, it’s simple, not need difficult skills, and I just to do running. The second one is low cost. I don’t spend the other money to buy tools. Finally, jogging can easily train my will and hardiness. However, I have not played any exercises for a few days, because I am really busy on every day, it’s not health for me. So, I must to change something and make me to play a few exercises on every day.

2009年10月27日 星期二

A presentation for Twilight

Two weeks ago, I had done a presentation for Twilight in the public speech class. Twilight is a new, famous, and love navel. It described a young girl to fall in love a handsome vampire story. All of classmates had been separated to several groups, and each group had divided into 4 parts, start, explanation, critic, and conclusion. Jerry Guo, Roy, Gaber, and I were in one group. We were so efficient, because making a decision for the subject, distributing, to practicing, we didn’t spend much time. In fact, I felt good job in our presentation. Finally, I want to share it in my part on my blog.

My presentation’s content:

Good evening everyone, I am ken. Now, I will tell you about why we choose this part to preset. The reason have 2 points, One is key point, we think this sentence is the key point on the novel, if Bella didn’t make a decision and follow through, the story could not continue. The second one is guideline. As you all know, we have to make a lot of decisions in life, but how to reach it? We think the successful method is “Once the decision was made, just simply followed through”, Next one is Jerry to introduce the critique part, that's all. Thank you.

2009年10月26日 星期一

To meet a graduation after 7 months

I have returned to school for 7 weeks, there are a few feeling in my heart. I am able to meet my graduation after 7 months. It’s a farewell with my dear teachers and classmates. Of course, I have to treasure every class especially since the first class. I am so joy to learn in my class, because all of classmates are friendly and studying hard, everyone wants to enhance self language. On the other hand, most of teachers are kindly and teaching hard, they give us skills which listening, speaking, reading, and writing. I have learnt a lot of linguistic knowledge English and Japanese for one year half. I really want to loudly say “I am very like my class so much”. However, the university life remains for 7 months only, so, I have to study hard more and more. Finally, I hope everyone could be to treasure the aftermost time, to be friends, and to keep contacting each other after graduated. Finally, I need to add “Yes, we are the best, cheer!”