2009年4月30日 星期四

[Home work] Book review (03/06)

Here is my writing home work last winter vocation. I think it is not an easy work, so, I do not know if I have any mistake? I just try it!

1. Title: A Christmas carol

2. Author: Charles Dicknes

3. Publisher: Longman classic

4. Date of publication: 1987

5. No of page: 50

6. Major characters: Scrooge , Ferd, Marley's ghost , Cratchit , Tine Tim, The spirit of christmas Past , The spirit of christmas Present , The spirit of christmas Yes to Come .

7. Plot Summary:
Chapter 1. Marley's Ghost
Marley and Scrooge were co-worker, but Marley was dead. He died seven years ago. Scrooge is a cheapskate, then Marley's ghost come to visit him on Christmas Eve. And he told Scrooge: "Should in his lifetime walk among his fellow men. He should share their sorrows and their joys. But if a man does not do this in life, then his spirit must wander through the world after his death and see the sorrows and joys it can no longer share". Besides that, he announced him, "You will be visited by three spirits".

Chapter 2. The first of the three spirits
The first spirit brought Scrooge to post, and let him knew "that these are the shadows of things that have been. They are what you have made them".

Chapter 3. The second of the three spirits
The second spirit brought Scrooge to present, and let him knew his clerk Bob’s life and his nephew Fred’s thinking was about him.

Chapter 4.The last of the three spirits
The last spirit brought Scrooge to future, and let him knew everyone’s thinking were about him after he was dead.
Finally, Scrooge has understood he was wrongheaded ago.

Chapter 5.The end of it
When Scrooge awoke, he started to change himself. He has become a friendly and public-minded person then away alone.

In my opinion, if you are a man friendly, contented, indebted, and would like to share with people, then you will be living happy.
I think that is very important.
If you are cold fish, then you will not have friends and alone.
Contentment, thanksgiving, and share are not easily for most people.
For example, Scrooge is a rich man, but he could not do that.
So, he always lives unhappy. In conclusion, cobber, contentment, thanksgiving, and share bring happiness.

