2009年9月11日 星期五

New challenge

Today, I made a decision, which has started to write blog in Japanese. The reason is for improving my Japanese ability. I know that is a very great challenge for me, however, I want to enhance my English and Japanese abilities. On this way, I hope I could push myself to learn it to better. Why did I have this idea? Because I know my Japanese has not progress until now, and I have wrote blog in English for fifty piece of writing. I felt that is effective. So, I want to write something in Japanese on my blog for enhancing my Japanese ability. By the way, why did I like to learn Japanese? About eight years ago, I have begun to watch the Japanese TV program, and I saw that Japanese were very polite, and their country is very clean. Therefore, I have been attracted by that, and I started to learn Japanese. I ever got a level 3 of the Japanese-language proficiency test on 2001 year. Now, I want to challenge a high level test, so, I have to make a good preparation for reaching it.

Dream and brave

Everyone have some dreams to do, but how to reach it? Sometime you will be confined by some things than give up your dream. For example, you have planned a travel, but met a terrible H1M1 over the world, so you will give up it. However, some one is able to overcome all of difficult position and pursue their wish. I think it needs a great brave and an adventure spirit. Recently, one of my colleagues, who is a brave girl, she done a separation for her dream, which go to Iceland and experience life style there for three months. I am very admiring her, because she can give up her job and pursue her wish. She told me that needs a great brave. She thought it for a long term than made this decision. She also told; some dreams have need specific age could be finished. I think I also have many dreams, which didn’t finish yet. So, I hope I can have my colleague’s brave to catch my wish.

2009年9月10日 星期四


Last weekend was my latest weekend in the summer vocation. For three month, I went to pool to learn swimming with my wife on every weekend. I really want to have a skill of swimming, because it is a nice exercise, you can get a powerful breathing capacity from this sport. The other reason is the temperature. The weather is more and more heat in the summer, so when you felt hot, you can go to pool to swim than you will feel better. Now, I seem to know how to swim, but I can not to change breath in the water. It is very important for a long swimming. Basically, there are four methods of swimming butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle. Now, I was learning breaststroke, and I hope I can swim one way on one time, but I don’t have much time to practice, because this weekend I have go back school to study my English. If I have idle time, I will keep go to pool to learn swimming.