2009年11月30日 星期一

Pushing my limit

In my opinion, everyone has had a lot of experiences of challenge in life. That would be in study, job, relationship or activity. Certainly, I also have had a lot, but, today, I want to tell you the nearest experience, that is going to the Lunghwa University learning languages. The reason is, my English and Japanese are not well for a long time, but I really hope I can listen, speak, read, and write English and Japanese very well in the future. Therefore, I have gone to the Lunghwa University  to enhance my languages. Actually, this decision is a very big challenge for me, because, all of teachers, they almost speak English in class, and I have to give them a lot of reports and presentations in English and Japanese. Of cause, this is the Department of Applied Foreign Languages. According to experts, one stage by one stage study should be better than jumping study. However, I chose a jumping study. So, I need to spend more times and more energies on studying. In fact, I don’t have much time, because I have to work on weekday, and I am very busy. Usually, I go home at 9 or 10 p.m. So, I just can use break time to do my homework and studying. It’s not really easy, so many times, I hardly want to give up, but I am not. So far, I am so excited and glad, because I have studied in here for one year half, got a lot of knowledge and skill on language and made many classmates. On the other hand, I have to sincerely thank my teachers, they always teach hard to us. I just can reach my goal.

