2009年7月3日 星期五

The second semester’s grade

Few days ago, my dear classmate Belinda told us, our grade has came out on our school’s website. Then, I checked my grade, and surprised it. I’m very happy, because it was better than previous semester’s grade. I thought this grade was a leapfrogging. Most class’ grades have risen. First of all, I want to thanks all of my professors who teaches hard to us. Second, I want to appreciate my classmate who always encourages and helps each other. Finally, I want to say “good job” to myself. However, I know, the grade was not absolute, and I still have a lot of problems to be resolved in my English. So, I have to more and more study hard, and conquer my weakness in English. Now, I want to give all of my dear classmates a sentence to finish this article, “We are the best, keep working”.

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