2009年6月22日 星期一

A happy party

We had done our final exam on yesterday. Then, we also had had lunch in the Hinjhuang International Banquet Hall. It’s a nice restaurant, especially, the KTV equipment. Our classmates and professors joined this party. Moreover, Snow and Peggy were invited to come here. Everyone seems very happy because final exam had finished. We was eating, dancing, and singing. In fact, this was my first time to see my classmates were so excited and glad since I came to Lunghwa University. Our professor Mr. Kuo has ever said “We are his pride”. I agree it, because my classmates were not only study hard but also excellence. We have given up weekends and came here for advanced our English skill, I think that really needs a great decision and hardy willpower. However, we also need excellence professor who inspires us wisdom, and we can keep study and get more knowledge. That is why we have passed here for one year. Finally, I would give my dear classmates “I wish our friendship, would be forever”.

